Rosacea Chronicles: part 2!

Hey witches! We had quite the start diving into Rosacea on a previous blog! It’s taken a hot minute (vacay + Covid + life lol) but here we are again! It’s time to continue the journey of understanding + managing this unique skin condition. Last, we chatted about causes + symptoms. Now, let's uncover triggers, lifestyle tweaks, & potential treatment plans!


UV radiation is the main one as it increases dilation of blood vessels & stimulates inflammation. It also disrupts skin barrier making it more sensitive. Sunlight exposure increases production of molecules like Cathelicidin & Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), contributing to persistent inflammation & blood vessel formation!

Stress + Rosacea often walk hand in hand. When we're wound up, our bodies release stress hormones, which make blood vessels widen and lead to flushing. These hormones ignite inflammation, making symptoms more pronounced. Studies find stress triggers flare ups & people with Rosacea are more likely to have anxiety & depression. A double-edged sword - our emotional distress from dealing with a visible skin condition can lead to increased anxiety + stress, which can then exacerbate symptoms!

Heat, wind, & cold weather, oh my! Heat causes our blood vessels to dilate, leading to redness and inflammation. Wind and cold can irritate, damage barrier, & dry skin out! This can stimulate inflammation leading to flare ups. When skin barrier is compromised, it becomes more sensitive to triggers like pollution, irritants & allergens.

Alcohol consumption is known to trigger Rosacea by causing blood vessels in your face to dilate, leading to flushing & worsening of symptoms. Alcohol can lead to dehydration, which makes skin more sensitive. Drinks like red wine and other types of liquor may also contain histamine which triggers inflammation. If you are going to consume alcohol be mindful of what drinks cause flaring. Try to drink white wine or mix it up with less alcohol and more mocktails!

Spicy foods should be approached with caution! Heat from capsaicin found in hot peppers can stimulate nerve endings in face leading to an increase in blood flow. Causing inflammation, redness, & flushing. Those with Rosacea, skin is already sensitive + easily irritated, so addition of capsaicin can exacerbate symptoms. It’s important to be aware of potential impact so moderation is 🔑


✹When it comes to sunlight -we can't always avoid it, nor do we want to! It’s healing to humans in many ways! Butwith Rosaca, we need to be very sun smart! Embrace avoiding peak sun hours, wearing UPF clothing, wide brim hats & sunglasses. Plus of course, make sure to

✹Stress + anxiety can be major culprits for triggering inflammation. But I promise, with stress management you really can really lessen with time. Whether it's grounding yourself with meditation, practicing yoga, enjoying a chill day in park, unplugging from your phone etc. Carve out ways to reduce stress & your precious skin will calm! An integral part of your healing is stress reduction as part of Rosacea treatment plan!

✹Be mindful with food & beverages - heated drinks, alcohol, & spicy foods need to be approached with mindfulness. There are many different food items which have been documented to flare Rosacea. Beyond this, focus onwhat you can feed your skin with! Fill your plate with anti-inflammatory foods such as dark leafy greens, berries, and omega rich nuts + seeds And of course, staying hydrated is crucial for skin health. Working with a functional medicine doctor can be helpful here if you need more guidance regarding nutrition for lowering inflammation!

✹Exercise is important for our physical & mental well being! But Rosacea skin prefers cooler side of workouts. Try calming yoga, walks during cooler times, or indoor exercise with regular breaks and a cooling towel. These can be better than HIIT or running outside. If you are going to partake in high intensity workouts - do so in moderation & understand if this is done with much frequency your skin may not reach a state of long lasting calm.

✹Also keep in mind how heat can affect our daily rituals. Rosacea skin doesn’t do great with hot water during cleansing of skin, long hot baths, or scalding showers.

✹When choosing skincare routines I am not a fan of glycolic acid, peels, dermaplaning, harsh or foaming cleansers, & many essientals oils irritate Rosacea skin. Make sure to look for gentle, kind, barrier supportive products that actually love your skin back!


Crafting a treatment plan for a client with Rosacea takes a personalized approach, understanding, & a lot of care. Your esthetician should perform a detailed consultation, factoring in medical history, skincare products, lifestyle, diet, + potential rosacea triggers, including how you manage stress & anxiety.

Any facial should prioritize gentle cleansing with no harsh scrubbing or rubbing that might irritate skin *Note: if you have Rosacea (you’re probably already aware) just mechanism of washing face can cause irritation, so can happen during a facial too. But we do our best to minimize this in treatment.

I suggest a no steam approach for Rosacea skin, as heat can lead to long-term skin damage. Rosacea is a compromised barrier skin, and excessive heat can worsen condition. Instead of physical exfoliation, harsh peels or acids I recommend very gentle enzyme exfoliants, specifically from Roccoco Botanicals. The owner suffers from Rosacea, so she formulates with the utmost care. These enzymes will help remove mature skin cells but will leave the barrier intact & are not aggressive at all!

Facial massage is an important part of holistic facials there is no doubt about that. Helping to calm our emotional state cannot be uncoupled from the physical presentation of our skin. It’s important relieve tension, reduce stress, & recalibrate our nervous systems. However with Rosacea we need to be careful to avoid triggering a flare up from massage. I prefer to work more on clients’ neck & chest. Massage & gua sha to these areas can help improve circulation, reduce stress, and assist in lymphatic drainage. I also love to use cooling globes, mushroom gua sha stones on skin or gently over top a sheet mask or soothing jelly mask.

*Other treatments like microcurrent, galvanic, etc are beneficial, but I wanted to highlight some basics for treatment! Remember, everyone's skin is different - an esthetician will personalize facial to your needs, adjusting as necessary based on skin responses in treatment room.



Here are some of my favorites for Rosacea. It is not an all encompassing list!

And of course SPF is super duper important as discussed above in triggers & lifestyle adjustments. You can find my favorite none pore clogging barrier supportive wonderful SPF right here! Tizo Sunscreen

But if we need to go in depth together message me! Contact Me!

Roccoco Botanicals Ruby Crystal Cleanser: This cleansing balm is so lush & luxurious! Rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory oils, essential fatty acids to calm, nourish + restore barrier. Totally acne safe which is quite hard to find in a balm.

✹oat oil: contains a high level of beta-glucan; healing and reduces histamine

✹ethyl linoleate:
directly derived from linoleic fatty acid; antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, brightening, and reduces comedones

Roccoco Botanicals Soothing Cleansing Oil: OG favorite cleanser for my Rosacea witches! This soothing blend of omega 3 rich oils cleanses skin gently while replenishing vital lipids & hydration. Helping to reduce TEWL (transepidermal water loss) which repairs & improves function. It’s also completely non pore clogging!

✹raspberry seed oil: enriched with omega 3 & Vitamin E, anti inflammatory

✹elderberry fruit extract: antibacterial, anti inflammatory & antioxidant properties

Roccoco Botanicals Hydrating Treatment Essence: This formula increases water reservoirs within skin cells providing parched skins with long-lasting hydration. Essence prepares skin for optimum absorption of serums & moisturiser. Helps repair skin barrier & provide up to 72 hours hydration! Love to have on hand for cooler weather or flights.

✹dead sea salt: induces synthesis of hyaluronic acid, increases ceramide production, assists in barrier repair, increases stratum thickness

✹hibiscus extract: regulates moisture, prevents moisture loss for up to 72 hours, moisture-binding

✹aloe barbadensis hydrating humectant, aids in wind repair

Roccoco Botanicals Globiotic Serum: One of my favorite serums for Rosacea! A topical encapsulated live probiotic serum that enhances skin brightness, hydration, and barrier repair by increasing cholesterol and hyaluronic acid production with in the skin.

✹lactobacillus: probiotic which aids microbiome & is antiinflammatory

✹ginger extract: anti-inflammatory & skin soothing

✹alpha-glucan oligosaccharide: skin smoothing, decreases irritation & itching

* some clients may experience a slight response (warmth or redness) particularly if the microbiome is unbalanced. I suggest using it in the PM to see how your skin reacts. It often doesn’t last more than a few days

AnteAGE MD Two Step System (Pro or MD): Absolutely love two step system for Rosacea skin (and really anyone with a pulse lol) These two together help our skin’s ability to repair & protect itself. Calming inflammation, & does an excellent job of management for aging skin. Also safe for pregnancy or breastfeeding! There’s a whole lot in these fabulous products but here’s a few features. To read more check out  AnteAGE blog I wrote!

✹bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell cytokines: physiologically balanced bio-signals released upon culture of Bone Marrow stem cells. “command and control” over process of healing and inflammation. highly superior to all other cell types available to culture for rejuvenation and regeneration.

✹transforming growth factor beta 3 (TGFb-3): regulates epidermal & dermal cells in healing skin, modulates inflammation, reduces scar formation

✹skin mimetic lipids: combination of ceramides, fatty acids and botanical oils that deeply condition, moisturize and nourish the skins protective lipid barrier.

✹bakuchiol: plant-derived, retinoid-like molecule that activates retinoic acid receptor activity without the irritation of retinoids; stimulates collagen and elastin; anti-oxidant; anti-inflammatory; anti-microbial

NOTE: I do find the two step will work best for a Rosacea client when you are not having crisis barrier issues aka peeling, burning, irritation, overly sensitive skin at the moment. If this is you - contact me & let's get you on a simple + calming routine without any active products at all first to get barrier healthy again!

Roccoco Botanicals Reactive Skin Intense Moisturizer: intensely creamy moisturiser to hydrate & soothe reactive sensitive skins. Formulated with specific ingredients to minimise the appearance of capillaries & permanent diffuse redness +papule/pustule development associated with Rosacea

✹quassia extract: antimicrobial, demodex mite activity reduction

✹matrixyl 3000 TM: stimulates collagen & hyaluronic acid production, increases skin thickness

✹green tea extract: photoprotective, antioxidant, anti inflammatory, regulates sebum production, 5a reductase inhibitor

Roccoco Botanicals Radiance: hydrating, calming & soothing moisturising cream designed specifically for hyper-reactive sensitive skins that flush easily or suffer from redness. 

✹dragons blood extract: forms an invisible shield to help protect from external elements & accelerates wound healing

✹helichrysum: Rich in flavonoids, calming, anti-erythema, & reduces vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

Omnilux LED Contour Mask: Y’all knooow this is my secret weapon & one true love! LED light therapy is absolutely amazing for the skin in so many ways. It can help with Rosacea by reducing redness & inflammation & strengthening capillaries within the skin, resilience, & overall health of skin. If you want to read up more on it check out my LED Light Therapy Blog

should you see a dermatologist?

If you suspect Rosacea and haven’t been formally diagnosed? I recommend seeking an official one from a trusted dermatologist! They are professionals who can provide an accurate diagnosis! In meantime, you can delve deeper into Rosacea by visiting a very valuable resource. Keeping a diary or notes documenting when you are flushing, how long it lasts, & potential triggers can be super helpful in identifying patterns over time!

When you have your next dermatologist appointment ( If you’re local and need a recommendation -ask me) Make sure to explain concerns & discuss observations with them. Other disorders can also present with a butterfly pattern of redness. So a proper diagnosis is key for receiving appropriate treatment witches!

Some popular options prescribed by dermatologists for Rosacea include:
  1. Metrogel: is a topical antibiotic medication that contains metronidazole, which helps to reduce inflammation and redness associated with Rosacea. It is thought to work less as an antibacterial and more to have an anti inflammatory benefit to the skin.

  2. Ivermectin: another topical treatment that can be used for the management of Rosacea. It works by reducing inflammation and targeting the demodex mites that are often associated with the condition.

  3. Internal antibiotics: Dermatologists may prescribe oral antibiotics, such as tetracycline or doxycycline, to help control the inflammatory response in Rosacea. These antibiotics can target bacteria and reduce symptoms.

  4. Azelaic acid: is a topical medication that has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It can help to reduce redness and control the overgrowth of bacteria associated with Rosacea.

  5. Laser therapy such as IPL: there are many different lasers on the market. I always suggest doing your research & knowing lasers may fix your symptoms but never root causes. If you cannot treat what is causing the problem, you may likely continue to have issues post laser.

Note: Each doctor may have own preferred treatment options. What works for one person’s Rosacea may not for another. I have witnessed many clients do well with topicals, some see no results, or some can’t stand side effects & don’t choose to stick with it. You aren’t obligated to follow every product recommendation from derm if you feel it isn’t working! Finding right treatments often requires some trial and error. Communication with your esthetician + dermatologist is key to tailoring skincare routine to your specific needs!

Of course beyond these options many clients find huge reductions in their Rosacea symptoms by managing their triggers, lifestyle changes, & reducing anxiety/stress. Which will be the most important things you can do! Working with a functional medicine doctor can also prove to be quite beneficial in finding lifestyle adjustments & diet related help as well if you aren't seeing the changes you seek.


Whew! That was a lil bit lol & much congrats to anyone who made it to the end of this bad boy! I look forward to our next chat witches! As always if you have any questions about this or anything else do not hesitate to reach out! Love your faces!

XOXO, Katie


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