Enchanting Facials


All new clients will receive a consultation before treatment. Please prepare to spend an extra 20-30 mins on consult depending on your skin needs + goals.



Spellbound Ritual
The Skin Witch signature treatment. INCLUDES BUCCAL MASSAGE. 90 mins.

A dreamy bespoke facial featuring organic & botanical based luxury skincare products. Plant compounds & elixirs are chosen carefully for your skin at time of service so each facial is truly custom. Book now →

Includes thoughtful double cleanse, gentle enzymes, extractions if needed, extended facial massage with intraoral aka buccal massage relaxing neck & chest gua sha, and a calming finishing alganite hydrojelly mask. All ingredients selected are skin barrier supportive to conjure a truly healthy and sustainable glow.


Crystal Gua Sha Fusion Facial
Powerful skin therapy treatment. 90 mins.

Powerful skin therapy treatment. Based in traditions of Traditional Chinese Medicine using assorted Gua Sha stones for facial rejuvenation. Results: release of muscle tension, increase circulation, promote lymphatic drainage, sculpt & lift skin, relieve sinuses, bringing a healthy energy to skin. Book now →

Featuring Roccoco Botanicals Crystal Stone product line to promote additional healing.

NOTE: Thai Herbal Poultice= Dried organic herbs wrapped in muslin are steamed + applied directly to face in a variety of specialized techniques. Aids in soothing muscles, sculpting +lifting, reduce puffiness, & encourage lymphatic drainage.


Nano Infusion Facial
rejuveniating therapy treatment. 75 mins.

A nourishing treatment with no needles and no downtime. AnteAGE Growth Factor & Cytokines serum is infused into skin using a flat stainless steel nano tip. Treatment is highly anti inflammatory and regenerative for the skin.There is no pain, you will feel slight pressure and a vibrating sensation - most find it very relaxing. Book now →


Botanical Calming Facial
for acne prone skin. 75 mins.

Clearing ritual designed for acne skin faced with hormonal &/or inflamed breakouts. Infusion of purifying herbal extracts with galvanic electrical current to calm inflammation. High frequency current is utilized to oxygenate the skin, & kill acne bacteria. Includes plant based sulfur mask + neck & chest gua sha to encourage lymphatic flow which helps clear skin. Book now →

Add LED to aid in boosting cells energy, decrease inflammation, calm redness, & decrease sebum production

NOTE: Galvanic & high frequency may be a contraindication for: pregnancy, pacemakers, metal implants, excessive metal fillings, epilepsy, & open wounds. LED may be a contraindication for: pregnancy, epilepsy, light sensitizing medications, & steroid-based medications.


Soothing Rose Facial
for sensitive skin. aka redness relief 75 mins.

Where my sensitve skin witches at? This calming facial treatment offers immediate & lasting results. Featuring galvanic current to infuse soothing botanical serums into the skin for soothing & calming. Chrysanthemum & Rose alginate finishing mask. Featuring all Roccoco Botanical products. Book now →

Add LED to aid in boosting cells energy, decrease inflammation, calm redness, & decrease sebum

NOTE: Galvanic & high frequency contraindication for: pregnancy, pacemakers, metal implants, excessive metal fillings, epilepsy, & open wounds. LED may be a contraindication for: pregnancy, epilepsy, light sensitizing medications, & steroid-based medications.


Plant Based Facial
for the time crunch witch. 60 mins.

Bliss out with a botanical facial treatment customized just for you. Starts with an intentional double cleanse, exfoliation with plant compounds + gentle enzymes. Non aggressive extractions (if needed). Relaxing massage to reduce facial tension & increase circulation. Finishing serums & plant based mask. Book now →

Other goodies:


Consultation: 30 MINS

Discuss all things skin. We will do an in depth consultation about what products you're currently using, lifestyle, medications, & services fit for your skin. If you book an appointment at a later date - the price of consultation will be deducted from the service cost.

NOTE: Virtual or in person are available.
Please email hello@theskinwitch.com to schedule a virtual.



Celluma LED PRO is FDA approved. Just like plants, our skin has the ability to absorb light and convert into energy. LED (Light Emiting Diode) uses UV free healing light rays proven to encourage collagen production, reduce inflammation, calm redness, kills acne bacteria, enhance product penetration, and strengthen skin barrier.

NOTE: LED may be a contraindication for: pregnancy, epilepsy, malignancy, on light sensitizing medications, and steroid-based medications.

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